“What are the Vaccines that are Important to be Administered to Pregnant Women?”

“Pregnant women who are working in healthcare facilities, travel to area where infections are common or have certain chronic conditions such as diabetes are recommended to have respective vaccines. According... read more...

“Pregnant women who are working in healthcare facilities, travel to area where infections are common or have certain chronic conditions such as diabetes are recommended to have respective vaccines.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention the following vaccinations are recommended for pregnant women who are at risk for an infection:

Hepatitis B




Polio (IPV)

Hepatitis A


Japanese encephalitis


Vaccinia (smallpox)

Yellow fever”

Dr Iliana Gancheva Dmitrieva, MD, PG Specialisation OBG
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Belhoul Speciality Hospital
04 273 3333