Home Hair Removal with the Braun Silk Expert-Pro 5 IPL

Home Hair Removal with the Braun Silk Expert-Pro 5 IPL

All ladies know that dealing with unwanted hair can be a time-consuming and expensive chore. But the Braun Silk-Expert Pro 5 IPL is the safest, fastest and most efficient IPL for permanent hair reduction in just 4 weeks. And the best part is that you can use it at home, knowing it has lots of in-built safety features.

For example, because your skin tone varies across your body, the device’s sensor continuously reads your skin tone and adapts the flash intensity for the safest and most effective hair removal. The 10 intensity levels ensure the light intensity is right for your skin tone. Clinically tested by experts, treatments are gentle and virtually painless.

Your lower legs can be treated in under 5 minutes since you can continuously glide the Braun IPL device across your skin, completing 125 flashes per minute and achieving visible results in just three weeks. Smooth as silk!


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