Helping your child with homework

Homework can be a real problem for so many children. Let’s look at a few ways to set them up for success and how to help them if they are... read more...

Homework can be a real problem for so many children. Let’s look at a few ways to set them up for success and how to help them if they are struggling.

After a long day at school, the last thing children want is to open up their books again and do more work. They’d much rather play or talk to their friends, and who can blame them? Generally speaking, homework is necessary and beneficial so it’s down to us to help make it a more manageable task for our little ones.

Routine is everything

When it comes to homework, routine is key. If it becomes a habit, it’s far less likely to be an issue. Try to get your child to start their homework at roughly the same time every day. One of the best approaches is to give them a snack once they get home from school and then encourage them to get started. This little break and a small amount of food will power them through the last bit of work for the day. Starting at the same time helps to build the habit and it will soon become normal.

Providing your child with a dedicated workspace is also a good idea. Studies have shown that children complete their homework more effectively if they do so in view of others, such as in the kitchen. So a dedicated workspace in this case can simply be an area of the kitchen table that is free for them during homework time.

The next way to help your child manage their homework is by working with them to come up with a consistent approach. One example is making sure that they have all the necessary books and materials for each subject in their workspace before they begin. Having to run off to get a forgotten book can interrupt the flow and slow the whole process. This way every time they sit down to do homework, they know where to start!


It’s a real shame that the word ‘work’ is in ‘homework’.  It’s no wonder children dread it! If you can help your child to reframe homework as learning, and not work, they may find it easier. You can show them the joy of learning and how it doesn’t have to be miserable. Perhaps then they can look at homework as an opportunity to learn more about the topics they are covering in school. Avoid offering rewards for completing homework. The aim is that they do it to learn and improve, not to earn something from you.

What if they get stuck?

It can be hard to watch your child really struggle with their homework, particularly as they get older and it gets more challenging. It’s helpful to sit with them and talk as they tease out the solution but try not to give them the answer. Feel free to offer advice but be careful when it comes to actually teaching them. If you show them a method that their teacher doesn’t use, it could confuse them further!

With these tips, you’ll be able to help make homework time much less of a worry for your little one!

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