The best of baby food

Ensuring your baby gets the nutrients they need is every parent’s concern. Here are two companies leading the way in providing little ones with the best nourishment possible, without compromising on convenience!

Brilliant breakfasts with Bumblebee Foods

Making the morning routine easier for busy families on the go, Bumblebee Foods, with their ready-made frozen meal plan are here to help! Offering healthy, nutrient-rich breakfast options for babies and toddlers, packed full of locally sourced ingredients, these breakfasts have been developed by in-house, specialised paediatric nutritionists and certified chefs, to make everything as fresh as possible for your child.

Bumblebee Food aims to ensure babies develop a healthy and sustainable relationship with food, that is hassle-free for busy caregivers too! With the use of fresh, organically sourced ingredients, the products can stay in the freezer for two months. All Bumblebee food is cooked from scratch and the breakfast range provides new flavours and textures to help little ones develop their palette, with plenty of options for each child’s needs.

What are the options?

The breakfast meals are designed for easy transportation and fuss-free feeding. The meals fit perfectly in either a parent’s bag or a child’s and are also suitable as an airplane carry-on or in-flight meal. You can choose from beetroot or spinach pancakes, packed with iron and fibre; an antioxidant-packed berry blast pouch, perfect for slurping cold or warm and strawberry quinoa, which is a nicely textured option for parents looking to develop their baby’s palate.

Cutting edge nutrition with BabyCool

BabyCool is an Estonian company that creates some of the highest quality frozen baby food available using organic ingredients grown in a Nordic climate, and is showcasing its innovative line of frozen and freeze-dried products at this year’s Gulfood. Their cutting-edge line of frozen and freeze-dried products is produced in Saaremaa, the island of the ancient Vikings, known for its pure and abundant natural landscape, national parks and nature reserves.

Packing a powerful punch

Baby food that has been freeze-dried is a breakthrough that meets the needs of busy parents whilst also supporting sustainability and convenience. Exceptionally practical, it offers the best and freshest of ingredients – never compromised by the production process. In fact, because the products are freeze-dried powders, they are shelf stable – retaining and even concentrating the nutrients from the ingredients.

High quality…without compromise!

Since the invention of the “pouch” and the ability to feed a baby directly from one, innovations in the baby food industry have been slow. Until now, there hasn’t been anything else on the UAE market that combines the benefits of BabyCool’s storage and lifestyle efficiency with the high quality and nutritional components of their food.

Founded by two mothers – Kaia Sink and Annika Vestel –  BabyCool was born out of a desire to give their babies the best nourishment, without compromise. The latest products from BabyCool have been minimally heated and are freeze-dried for greater nutrition and vitamin preservation. Created in collaboration with the Estonian University of Life Sciences and approved by the Estonian Allergy Association, the raw components come from Estonian farms which have been certified organic by the European Union – offering your baby the highest quality nutrition possible.

Image Credit: ShutterStock

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