A look at Green Grass Nursery

Located in Jumeirah, Green Grass Nursery is a bilingual nursery that offers a high-quality education to children between one and five years old.

With years of experience as early education providers, they shape children to grow, make friends and explore who they are and the world around them.

EYFS British Curriculum

The Early Years Foundation Stage is at the core of their educational philosophy. The nursery is deeply committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for children in Dubai, and the EYFS British Curriculum guides the staff in achieving this goal. As a leading institution in early childhood education, Green Grass Nursery believes in more than just teaching – they believe in laying a strong, holistic foundation for children’s educational journey.

Their commitment to fostering holistic development means that children learn and grow at their own unique pace, preparing them for a successful transition to formal schooling and beyond. The EYFS framework encompasses the following seven essential areas of learning and development:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

By starting with EYFS as a cornerstone, children can develop into well-rounded individuals who are curious, confident and equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

The Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach is an educational philosophy that places children at the centre of their learning journey, acknowledging them as capable individuals brimming with natural curiosity and boundless creativity. Forming a core part of the nursery’s ethos, the Reggio Emilia Approach champions hands-on discovery learning, allowing children to engage all their senses in the pursuit of knowledge.

Bilingual teaching

At Green Grass Nursery, Arabic classes are an essential component of their commitment to fostering linguistic diversity and cultural awareness in young learners. The nursery believes that bilingualism fosters stronger problem-solving skills, enriched cultural awareness and even lays the foundation for more effective communication. Children have alternating Arabic and English days to ensure they are exposed to both languages equally. These sessions are thoughtfully integrated with the ongoing themes in the class, making the learning experience both meaningful and enjoyable. Students cover core aspects of the Arabic language, including greetings, letters, vocabulary, colours and numbers, all facilitated through music, playful activities and interesting stories.

Nature as a teacher

At Green Grass Nursery, the learning doesn’t stop at the classroom door. Their outdoor classroom transforms the natural world into an open-air learning environment. Surrounded by the sights, sounds and textures of nature, children engage their senses and develop a deep appreciation for the world around them. Whether it’s observing birds in the trees, planting seeds in the garden, or building with sticks and stones, every moment outdoors is a lesson waiting to be discovered, helping children develop problem-solving skills and critical thinking, learn about cause and effect, the consequences of their actions and the interconnectedness of the natural world.

Email enquiry@greengrassnursery.com or visit www.greengrassnursery.com for more information or to book a tour.

Image Credit: Green Grass Nursery

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