How embodiment empowers mums

What is embodiment? We dive into the simple practice that can help mums connect more deeply with themselves, to feel better confidence, clarity and ease in their daily lives as mothers. 

You deserve to have the tools to allow you to be at your best. Motherhood isn’t easy and it can be helpful to put effort into replenishing your own energy in order to be the best mum you can be! Most of us internalise lots of messages around how to be a good mother, friend, daughter and other roles, but rarely are we shown how to be a great version of ourselves, in touch with how we feel. Succeeding in your roles is fulfilling but doesn’t always equate to feeling connected to yourself, and many people, mums included, can’t help wondering if there’s something missing from their experience of life.

Happiness and success – What’s the difference?

There are many ways we tend to measure our lives and achievements by – education, finances, job titles, a happy marriage, our circle of friends etc. These can come from our internal beliefs or societal standards and expectations. It’s totally normal to be influenced by these factors! However, as you mature and grow into motherhood, many women start to look a little deeper into themselves and begin to feel the urge to seek out something beyond these ideas, in order to live more intentionally. Most of us agree that we can only give what we’ve got within us, and so, nourishing and connecting to yourself is not a selfish pursuit, but actually allows you to give more to your relationships and your role as a mum, because you have more of what you need in life and are under less stress or strain.


Wanting to step further into your personal power is a common feeling that arises, either as you age, as you handle the curveballs of life, or, simply as you look to live in a way that helps you feel your best. There are many self-development or therapeutic avenues out there that can support personal growth. Mums often have many demands on their time and energy, and so it’s important to find a practice that is a natural and easy fit for mothers’ to implement.

One of these arenas, is the concept of ‘embodiment’. It’s a practice that asks us to remember that our mind and body are connected and not separate entities and has become very popular within wellness circles in recent years. It’s common to hear it in the same breath as ‘mindfulness’, as they both centre around bringing our awareness to the present moment. However, while mindfulness focuses on slowing down the mind to be intentional in the world around us, embodiment is based on our body. The principle idea is to reconnect our physical experience to our mental experience and to listen to the body’s signals as a way of understanding ourselves more deeply.

Feeling our way through life

Whether consciously or not, we do experience all life through physical sensations. Whether it’s a twisting sensation in your stomach when you’re uncomfortable, or a knot in your shoulders when you’re quietly under stress, or maybe it’s a sensation of lightness in your chest when you hear some happy news or receive a sweet hug from your little ones. All of life is filtered through the body and we just have to tap into that process to know ourselves better.


It can come as a shock how often we miss signals from our body. Life is busy and it’s easy to accidentally mask these physical messages in the midst of daily schedules, tasks, timetables and thoughts. Not always noticing what your body is telling you is a common consequence of the way modern life is set up, so don’t worry if this is you! The way back to feeling aligned is easier and more natural than you may think.

Meet yourself where you are

Embodiment allows us to become familiar with our bodies’ wisdom and internal reactions, regaining an understanding of ourselves that can otherwise get buried. We are all affected by our thoughts, feelings, responses and our physical experience. Embodiment invites you to check in with your body, as a method of living more authentically as you truly are, by acknowledging how you feel more often. Your clarity will increase with practice and this awareness should slowly move towards a feeling of ease, bringing you the groundedness that allows you to be your most comfortable and confident self.

Ways embodiment can help

With sustained practice by yourself, and embodiment coaching if needed, embodiment can also lead you to:

  • Become gentler, kinder and more compassionate towards yourself
  • Strengthen romantic and family relationships by knowing what you need for yourself first
  • Have more patience with your children
  • Identify the subtle ways you are disembodied in your habits, relationships or work
  • Improve your general wellbeing
  • Let go of unresolved experiences
  • Feel increased gratitude and contentment with what you have
  • Feel bonded and present with others
  • Handle challenges and changes more easily
  • Align with your internal self

Self-care tips through embodiment

At a time when distractions are on the rise, it is a revolutionary act to ground yourself in your relationship with yourself. Here are some simple ways to start incorporating embodiment self-care practices into your week.

Take up space

Become aware of how you are physically in space. Do you feel light or heavy? How does the chair feel beneath you? Can you feel a breeze? Are your arms folded or relaxed? There is no judgement here, the aim is simply to increase how in tune you are with your body when taking up space.

Ground yourself

Try to be relaxed when going about your daily tasks. Release any tension you may be holding in your neck, shoulders or back in particular, and make an effort to breathe deeply. If you find yourself hunching or feeling rigid, do a few simple stretches and don’t be afraid to shake your limbs out. You will be pleasantly surprised at what an effect this can have on your stress levels and your confidence in the moment. Make sure to plant your feet on the floor. This is a simple but excellent way to feel grounded and stable, physically but also mentally.

Speak well of your body

We are taught to always push our bodies, challenge them, treat them like an object that needs to be trained and developed. Try to shift the way you speak about your own body. Keep your words positive and try to praise your body for the ways it houses you, brings you about your day, adapts to your life, helps you look after your children and is strong and beautiful in its own right.

Look for sensations

Having a daily movement practice, such as yoga, walking, or some mindful exercise can be a really helpful way to feel ‘embodied’ within your physical form. Even engaging the senses with new tastes, a relaxing hand or foot massage, an intentional soak in the bath or other sensory experiences can contribute to a sense of connection and groundedness in our bodies.

Being a mum is a constant job. Motherhood requires such strength and devotion and mums deserve all the respect in the world for the amazing work they do every day! Embodiment could be a great way to keep yourself balanced, connected to yourself, sure and happy through it all – enabling you to have more to give to your loved ones and feel more empowered within yourself.

Image Credit: ShutterStock

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