Keeping your home secure while away

Keeping your home safe is a top priority and becomes a concern when travelling or on vacation. Let’s look at some things to consider in preparation for your next family trip.

Zohaib Azhar, Head of Operations at home maintenance specialist Hitches & Glitches, shares his top tips to keep your home safe and secure, whether you’re at home or away!

One last check

Make sure all windows and doors are firmly shut and locked. Don’t forget to lock your garage door and any garden gates. A simple routine of checking each window and door before leaving the house or going to bed will provide you and your family peace of mind.

Lock up!

Install or replace any faulty locks on windows and doors. Having good locks on any potential points of entry to your home is a straightforward way to ensure your home is secure!

Technology is on your side

Install video doorbells, flood lights and cameras as well as other smart home lighting gadgets. Technology has improved so many parts of our lives and home security is no different. You can rely on cameras and sensors to watch over your home when you’re away!

As safe as can be

Keep valuables in a safety deposit box or home safe. You don’t need a collection of precious jewellery to justify a safe! They can be so useful for keeping anything, from passports to sentimental items, out of harm’s way.

Look like you’re home

If possible, park your car in a garage. Don’t leave it outside gathering dust! Alternatively, arrange to have them cleaned periodically while you’re away. This is a great tip, as potential thieves are always on the lookout for hints that nobody’s home.

Pause your post

Cancel any subscriptions for items that are scheduled for home delivery. One tell-tale sign that a homeowner is on vacation is a build-up of letters or delivered goods by the front door.

To protect and serve

Sign up for the Dubai Police Home Safety Programme. This is a fantastic service for families on holiday, where the Dubai Police can monitor your home while on patrol in the area.

Trust your community

Tell your neighbours and friends that you will be away, as well as any community security services. If anything unusual happens in or near your home, they’ll be sure to let you know immediately!

Don’t give anyone any ideas!

Avoid posting pictures of your holiday or business trip on open social media platforms while you are away. Also, be careful when discussing holidays in public areas. You never know who could be listening!

Image Credit: ShutterStock

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