The benefits of milk, yoghurt and laban for kids

Here, we take a closer look at how milk, yoghurt and laban can help make up a healthy, balanced diet for little ones.

Ensuring children receive proper nutrition is a priority for all parents. Milk, yoghurt and laban (a type of fermented milk) are three dairy products that can play a big role in a balanced diet, providing little ones with essential nutrients that support their growth, development and overall good health.

Milk: A nutrient powerhouse

Milk is often referred to as a ‘complete food’ as it contains protein, fat, carbs, many vitamins, healthy fats, antioxidants and several essential minerals that contribute to strong immunity and growth.

Calcium for strong bones and teeth

Milk is an excellent source of calcium, which is crucial for the development of strong bones and teeth. Adequate calcium intake during childhood can help prevent bone-related issues such as osteoporosis later in life.

Protein for growth and repair

Milk provides high-quality protein that supports muscle growth and repair. Protein is also essential for the production of enzymes and hormones, and milk offers all nine essential amino acids.

Vitamins and minerals

Milk contains important vitamins such as vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption, and vitamin A, which supports vision and immune function. It also provides potassium, phosphorus and B vitamins, all of which contribute to steady overall health.


Milk is approximately 87% water, making it an excellent choice for keeping little ones hydrated. It helps maintain the fluid balance in the body, which is essential for various physiological processes.

Ways to make milk more fun

Here are several creative and delicious ways to incorporate milk into meals and snacks for kids:

Smoothies and shakes

Fruit smoothies are a child-friendly way to add milk to your child’s diet. Simply blend milk with fresh or frozen fruits, like bananas, strawberries, or mangoes, for a refreshing and nutritious smoothie. You can add a spoonful of yoghurt or a sprinkle of oats for extra creaminess and fibre.

To make a delicious chocolate milkshake, blend milk with a scoop of cocoa powder or chocolate syrup and a banana for a delicious and healthier chocolate milkshake for your little one to enjoy.

Breakfast dishes

The first meal of the day is a wonderful opportunity to add to your child’s daily intake of milk or yoghurt. Serve milk with whole-grain cereals or granola for a quick and easy breakfast, perfect for busy school mornings! Or try cooking oatmeal in milk instead of water for a creamier texture and added nutrition – and don’t forget to top it with fruits, nuts and a drizzle of honey. On days where you have more time, you could use milk in the batter to make fluffy pancakes or waffles for a tasty and nutrient-dense treat! Agin, top these with fresh fruit, yoghurt, or a dollop of whipped cream.

Savoury dishes

Milk can be used in so many ways in savoury foods. Use milk to make a creamy cheese sauce for homemade macaroni and cheese or add milk to mashed potatoes for a smoother and creamier texture.

For an extra serving at lunch, try using milk as a base for creamy soups like tomato bisque, corn chowder or broccoli cheddar soup.


Milk and sweet treats are a match made in heaven! There are so many easy options to try, the simplest being to blend milk with ice cream and fruit or chocolate for a classic milkshake. For mothers with a little more time, milk can be used to cook rice pudding, adding sugar, cinnamon and raisins for a sweet treat.

Yoghurt: Probiotic benefits

Yoghurt, a fermented dairy product, offers all the benefits of milk and more, thanks to its probiotic content.

Probiotics for digestive health

Yoghurt contains live bacteria cultures, known as probiotics, which promote our healthy gut flora. A balanced gut microbiome supports kids’ digestion, enhances nutrient absorption and boosts their immune system.

Protein and calcium

Like milk, yoghurt is rich in protein and calcium. Greek yoghurt, in particular, is a protein powerhouse, providing even more protein per serving than regular yoghurt. It’s a really accessible way to increase your little one’s intake in a way they will enjoy!

Easy on the stomach

For children who are lactose intolerant, yoghurt can be a more digestible option. The fermentation process breaks down some of the lactose, making it easier for lactose-sensitive children to enjoy.


Yoghurt is versatile and can be enjoyed on its own, mixed with fruits, or used in smoothies and desserts. This makes it an easy, customisable and enjoyable way to incorporate essential nutrients into your child’s diet, meaning it can become a regular staple snack, without little ones becoming easily bored.

Laban: The modern elixir

Laban, also known as fermented milk or buttermilk in some cultures, offers unique benefits that make it a valuable addition to a child’s diet.

Digestive aid

Laban is rich in probiotics, similar to yoghurt, which aid in digestion and help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria. This can be particularly beneficial for children with digestive issues.

Hydration and nutrition

Laban is both hydrating and nutritious, providing a good mix of water, protein, calcium and vitamins. It’s a refreshing beverage, especially in hot climates like the UAE, and it helps maintain the fluid balance in our bodies.

Immunity boost

The probiotics in laban can strengthen your child’s immune system by enhancing their body’s ability to fight off harmful bacteria and viruses. Regular consumption can help reduce the frequency of common illnesses, like coughs and colds, that go hand-in-hand with the back-to-school season.

Calcium and protein

Laban offers the same bone-building calcium and growth-supporting protein found in other dairy products. It’s an excellent choice for children who might not enjoy the taste of plain milk.

As you can see, incorporating milk, yoghurt, and laban into a child’s diet can provide a wealth of nutritional benefits and is a real no-brainer for parents. These dairy products support:

  • Bone health
  • Muscle growth
  • Immune function
  • Digestive health

Creative ways to use laban for kids

Here are several creative and delicious ways to incorporate laban into meals and snacks for kids:


Blend laban with fresh or frozen fruits like bananas, berries, or mangoes for a refreshing and nutrient-packed smoothie. Add a touch of honey or maple syrup for sweetness if needed.

To sneak in some vegetables, don’t be afraid to combine laban with spinach, kale, or cucumbers for a green smoothie that’s both tasty and full of vitamins.

Frozen treats

Laban popsicles are a firm favourite with kids. Just blend laban with fruit puree and freeze in popsicle moulds for a cool and nutritious treat. This is a really great way to enjoy laban during the hot summer months – try it for yourself and see!

Frozen yoghurt bites are another wonderful option. Simply mix laban with a little honey and spoon into silicone moulds or ice cube trays. Freeze these until they are solid for bite-sized frozen yoghurt treats.


Muffins and bread are a tasty way to sneak some servings of laban into your child’s meals. Substitute laban for milk or yoghurt in muffin and bread recipes to add a slight tanginess and moisture to the baked good, and that’s it!  For pancakes, use laban instead of buttermilk in the recipe, for fluffy and flavourful pancakes that have an extra dose of nutrition.

Savoury dishes

Use laban as a creative marinade for chicken or fish, by combining it with garlic, lemon juice and herbs for a tenderising and flavour-enhancing marinade that all the family will love. For a unique garnish, add a dollop of laban to soups and stews for creaminess and extra nutrition.

Snack ideas

Make an easy laban-based dip along with fresh cut vegetables and fruit for a healthy snack or mix laban with herbs and use it as a spread for sandwiches and wraps instead of mayonnaise or butter.


Cheesecake is always a family favourite, so why not make a lighter version of cheesecake by incorporating laban into the recipe for a creamy and tangy dessert. Alternatively, toss fresh fruit with a mixture of laban and honey for a quick and healthy dessert.

All in all, regular intake of these nutrient-dense foods can help to ensure that children receive the essential nutrients they need for optimal growth and development. Whether served as a refreshing drink, a snack, or part of a meal, milk, yoghurt and laban are versatile and delicious options that contribute significantly to a healthy, balanced diet for children.

Image Credit: ShutterStock

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