The power of saying “Yes, and…”

Certain sentences are particularly useful to parents. Here, we look at how “Yes, and..” could help your family’s interactions. Parenting is a journey filled with challenges, triumphs and the everyday... read more...

Certain sentences are particularly useful to parents. Here, we look at how “Yes, and..” could help your family’s interactions.

Parenting is a journey filled with challenges, triumphs and the everyday magic of watching your children grow. Amidst the chaos and unpredictability, it can be useful to have a few key phrases on hand that help you transform potential conflicts into positive interactions with your children. These handy parenting sentences tend to bridge the gap between discipline and encouragement, making for a better emotional environment for your little ones that also works with your needs as a parent. One such phrase is “Yes, and…”

Why it works

At its core, “Yes, and…” is about validation and setting limits kindly. When your child approaches you with an idea, a request or even a seemingly outlandish dream, the initial response of “Yes” communicates acceptance. It tells your little one that their thoughts and feelings are acknowledged and that their voice matters to you. This affirmation sets the stage for a positive interaction, allowing you to nurture a sense of security and confidence in your child.

Staying engaged

The magic doesn’t stop there. The “and…” is the transformative element that elevates this phrase from just agreement to active engagement. Instead of shutting down your child’s request or idea with a flat “no” or a dismissive response, the “and…” opens the door to possibilities. It invites a conversation, or gently explains the reasons behind a compromise.

For example, imagine your child asks to have a sleepover on a school night. Instead of an outright refusal, consider responding with, “Yes, I understand you’d like to have a sleepover and we need to make sure you get enough rest for school the next day. How about we plan it for the weekend?” This approach shows kids understanding while steering the conversation toward a more reasonable solution.

Working together

The power of “Yes, and…” lies in its ability to create a collaboration. It encourages children to share their thoughts and feelings openly, knowing that their ideas will be met with consideration rather than immediate rejection and it leaves them with the impression that you both want to find a solution that works for everyone. This collaborative spirit is a great ingredient in growing a healthy parent-child relationship.

A life skill

“Yes, and…” also teaches valuable life skills. By using this phrase, you will automatically demonstrate the importance of flexibility, problem-solving and compromise to your little ones. These skills are not only essential for navigating the ups and downs of childhood, but also serve as a great foundation for success in life.

In essence, “Yes, and…” is a useful sentence for parents as it has the capacity to transform moments of potential conflict into opportunities for compromise, resolution and connection. It’s a tool that allows children to feel heard, respected and able to express themselves, but it also allows you, as the parent, to choose the outcome you think is best. So, the next time your child approaches you with an idea or an ask, try using “Yes, and…” and see how it works for your family.

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