Breakfast event for pregnant mums

This is a peek into the Mother Baby & Child Pregnancy Series of free breakfast events. This series is a relaxing and comfortable information gathering event for mums-to-be, against the... read more...

This is a peek into the Mother Baby & Child Pregnancy Series of free breakfast events. This series is a relaxing and comfortable information gathering event for mums-to-be, against the backdrop of luxurious breakfast bites. This event series is designed to help women become more comfortable and confident in their pregnancies and have free access to pregnancy healthcare professionals to ask questions and talk about their pregnancy concerns.

Mother Baby & Child hand-picked some of the most caring and experienced health and pregnancy experts to provide real-life guidance and confidence to better understand yourself during your pregnancy and the first six months of life with your new baby.

On Tuesday, 21st September 2021, at the Stella di Mare Hotel, Dubai Marina, the experts answered questions from pregnant and new mothers in a comfortable setting designed to help address fears and concerns. This was a safe place to talk about any aspects of pregnancy – even the tough stuff – and get questions answered. Our aim was to support and help boost confidence during the amazing journey that lies ahead.