Okaidi Obabi Mothers Day Video Shoot at Dubai Mall

To coincide with the launch of a very special Okaidi Obaibi commemoration video for Mothers’ Day this year, the popular kids’ clothing brand tells us more about clothes and confidence... read more...

To coincide with the launch of a very special Okaidi Obaibi commemoration video for Mothers’ Day this year, the popular kids’ clothing brand tells us more about clothes and confidence in children. But first, click the video below to find out how some wonderful mums and their gorgeous kids feel about choosing children’s clothes!. Read more

In commemoration of Mother’s Day in 2022, we teamed up with Okaidi and four of our amazing MBC readers, Wirsa, Ashima, Diana, and Asmaa, to find out more about how their children feel about the clothes they wear.