Planting seeds of leadership: How South View School’s little learners are making a big impact

At South View School (SVS), future leaders don’t wait for Junior School, they start as early as Foundation Stage (FS1 and FS2), where little voices carry big ideas, and little... read more...

EYFS Student Council Team 2024/25 Academic Year.

At South View School (SVS), future leaders don’t wait for Junior School, they start as early as Foundation Stage (FS1 and FS2), where little voices carry big ideas, and little hands are already making a world of difference.

So, what inspired SVS to introduce student leadership roles to such young learners? The EYFS team puts it simply: “We wanted our students to feel empowered, to know that even at three, four or five years old, they can make a difference.” It’s all about giving children a voice, and it ties perfectly into the school’s ethos: Be Kind, Be Great, Be You. This isn’t just a catchy slogan—it’s a way of life that encourages SVS students to be their best selves, show kindness to others, and make a meaningful impact on the world.

In EYFS, leadership comes in two exciting forms: Student Council Members and Eco-Warriors. Student Council members have developed strong leadership skills through recent projects like organizing activities for World Mental Health Week, engaging with other departments to secure plants and resources for the learning garden, surveying peers to improve classrooms, and actively supporting the implementation of these changes. Eco-Warriors lead environmental initiatives, including litter-picking in the Remraam community, launching recycling projects, leading assemblies on sustainability, creating crafts from recycled materials, and visiting a turtle conservation project.

EYFS Eco Warrior team 2024/25 Academic Year.

So, how do these young leaders step into their roles? It all starts with a simple question: “Who wants to make a difference?” The students volunteer, share their ideas with their classmates, and then… it’s time to vote! Yes, real voting in EYFS—well, as real as it can be! Watching them light up with pride as they speak and seeing their classmates enthusiastically vote for their friends is truly heartwarming. SVS looks for simple yet powerful qualities in its young leaders: a willingness to participate, creative ideas, and an eagerness to make a difference in their school and beyond.

Leadership at SVS isn’t just a title—it’s a weekly commitment. Every Tuesday, the Student Council gathers to brainstorm and discuss upcoming events. Wednesdays are reserved for the Eco-Warriors, who discuss sustainability projects.

And the impact? It’s huge. Students become more confident, and others are inspired by their classmates. Parents love it too, describing the initiative as a brilliant, age-appropriate way to build communication, teamwork, and decision-making skills in their children.

Looking ahead, SVS isn’t stopping here. Plans are in the works to expand the program, possibly adding new roles like House Captains. Because at South View School, leadership isn’t something you just learn about—it’s something you live, right from the start.

Image Credit: South View School