Dry Skin Brushing: Beyond Skin Deep
By: Rachad Atat Most of us use a regular loofah when showering to exfoliate the dead skin cells and to cleanse our body, leaving our skin smoothed, cleaned and conditioned…. read more…
Managing Stress during Pregnancy
Stress is not easy, and pregnancy is even harder. Both surely come together; the joy of being pregnant is one thing, but the sense of responsibility and physical changes make… read more…
Weight Loss Myths
Following up on last month’s article on weight loss myths, see below Holistic Professional Kaya Peters’ top 10 tips for sustainable weight loss and reaching your authentic bodyweight: 1.Figure out… read more…
Healthy eating habits at work
By – Lama Dalloul, Junior Dietician, Health Factory Why? When you think about it, it makes absolutely no sense that we tend to pay less attention to healthy eating when… read more…
Top Reasons for Hair Loss
Losing a strand of hair here and there is completely normal. But when you start losing your strands en masse, you should start considering hair restoration, by finding out the… read more…
Yoga: Cheaper than Therapy
By: Kaya Peters Yoga is mostly known for its physical benefits, its ability to tone the body and increase flexibility. Some might also practice yoga and meditation for their calming… read more…
Understanding B.O.
Feel like you scrub well and hard in the shower? Apply deodorant, body spray and perfume frequently throughout the day, but still feel like there’s a whiff of bad body… read more…
The Epidemic of Smartphone Use
A common complaint doctors hear nowadays from their patients is neck pain and back pain. Usually, the patient is absolutely healthy and there is no actually problem, but the one… read more…
Preventative Measures During Flu Season
It’s wintertime, which in the UAE isn’t as cold as in other parts of the world, but it’s enough weather change to cause the flu. Flu season is frustrating and… read more…
Have You Tried Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss?
By: Rachad Atat Struggling with weight loss? You have tried all sorts of diets but nothing is working? Your nutritionist or dietician might have been giving you the wrong advice… read more…