

Oral Health from Earth

By: Rachad Atat Oral health is the gateway to a healthy body. Unhealthy teeth and gums pose a major threat to the whole body as the pathogens, toxins and bad… read more…


Getting Your Vitamin D Fix from Foods

By: Manika Dhama Sunning yourself at the beach might appear to be the best way to keep Vitamin D levels in check, but experts warn that may not be enough…. read more…


Fight the Cold Naturally

By: Rachad Atat As the winter season approaches, many of us become susceptible to catching the cold. Since the cold begins when a virus attaches to the nose or throat,… read more…


The Anti-Aging Benefits of Olive Oil

By: Rachad Atat. Olive trees are the world’s oldest cultivated trees, abundant in the Mediterranean region, especially in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, France, Italy, Spain and Greece. When we talk about… read more…


Q: “Do Children with Asthma Have Their Chance to Enjoy Activities such as Sports?”

“Well controlled asthmatic children should be able to participate in unrestricted activities. If there are settings in which your child is wheezy or is coughing, this indicates inadequate control and… read more…


Violence against Women

Violence against women exists and afflicts women from all social backgrounds in a society as modern as ours. Violence is the crudest way to solve conflicts and has detrimental repercussions… read more…


Back to School Health Tips from Burjeel Hospital

Sponsored Content by Burjeel HospitalPencils are sharpened, name tags are fixed, pages are pristine white and clean – it’s that time of year again where children go back to school… read more…