An introduction to sensory processing
Occupational therapist Nalini Maistry introduces us to the concept of sensory processing and how it develops. In our everyday lives, we all experience a multitude of sensory information. We have… read more…
A glimpse into sibling dynamics with a neurodivergent child
Sofia Stigka, a child psychologist at Thrive Wellbeing Centre, gives us her insight into the relationship between neurotypical and neurodivergent siblings. No matter how different your kids are from one… read more…
How to tell if your child needs glasses
Keeping a close eye on your child’s eyesight can help you to spot any problems early and get children the help that they need. With these helpful tips, any issues… read more…
Tips to tackle hay fever
It’s time to remind ourselves what are the main causes, symptoms and treatments of hay fever so that we can ensure our children are as sneeze-free as possible! While many… read more…
The best foods to boost children’s concentration
It’s always a great time to consider the kind of nutrition your child is getting. We look at which foods will boost their brain health and help them concentrate. Kids’… read more…
The importance of a bedtime routine
We spend around a third of our lives sleeping, so it’s vital to teach kids how to do it well. A bedtime routine can be a fantastic way to create… read more…
The gift of a good night’s sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep can be a real challenge. Here are a handful of products that might just help you get the rest that you deserve. A good night’s… read more…
Recognising sensory thresholds in kids
Is your child’s cup full? Occupational therapist Nalini Maistry looks at sensory regulation and what you can do about it. Children have very busy schedules which often come with a… read more…
Yoga poses for kids
The practice of yoga is renowned for its relaxing qualities and health benefits. Guiding your child through a series of poses is sure to bring them a renewed sense of… read more…
Mindfulness: The secret weapon against stress
Dr. Elif Çelebi, an experienced psychotherapist at Thrive Wellbeing Centre, discusses how mindfulness can alleviate stress and anxious thoughts, helping mothers to find balance. Being a mother is hard work!… read more…