

How to deal with the terrible twos

Even the most well-behaved baby can be a handful when they grow into a toddler. Mother, Baby & Child looks at some practical parenting tips from 18 months to three-year-olds…. read more…


Three ways to tell if your child has ADHD

Many children daydream and occasionally forget to do their homework, but what is the difference between a struggle to focus occasionally, and having a condition such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?… read more…


Three signs it’s time to wean your baby

A baby is fully weaned when they’ve stopped breastfeeding and have moved on to eating other foods. It can be difficult however, knowing when it’s the right time to begin… read more…


Nine essential ways to prepare your kids for moving away from Dubai

Moving country can be especially stressful on young children. Dr Megan Adams a lecturer at the Faculty of Education in Melbourne’s Monash University in Dubai spoke to Mother Baby and… read more…


UAE maternity leave extended

The UAE government has announced that all federal government female employees will now be entitled to three-months maternity leave. The change to Article 58 of UAE federal law will take… read more…


Teaching Your Child to Say ‘No’

Psychologists call these ‘refusal skills’, and they’re a key part of childhood development. From responding to peer pressure, stranger danger or politely declining something, they’re essential skills for all children… read more…


Facebook cyberbullying: how to protect your child

Facebook has recently ramped up its approach to cyberbullying, Mother, Baby & Child look at what changes are being made on the social network… Facebook recently made the progressive step… read more…


Everything you need to know about maternity insurance in Dubai

First things first, are you insured? You need to apply 10-12 months before getting pregnant What does it cover? Factors to consider: Outpatient services such as prenatal and postnatal doctors’… read more…


Five thrifty tips to save on baby shopping

1. Shop at the hypermarket It may not be the ultimate five-star shopping experience, but hypermarkets stock quality clothes at reasonable prices. Babies outgrow them quite quickly, so why spend… read more…


Abu Dhabi increases maternity leave

Some women will now be offered up to three months maternity leave in the UAE capital.