Detecting Childhood Hearing Loss Without the “Huh’s”
By: Hiba Naz When a US national health survey revealed that almost five out of 1000 babies suffered from hearing loss, not many clutched their pearls over the statistic. However,… read more…
Say Goodbye to Stains
Five tips for the family home from Kärcher Home & Garden. As anyone with young children will tell you, marks and stains are inevitable when there are little ones around,… read more…
Missing a Spot
Cleaning the Kitchen, the Right Way By: Heather Vandevoorde, Ph.D. Even if the kitchen is clean enough you could eat off the floor or you have an army of maids… read more…
Motherhood and the 9 to 5
Is it Time for More Flexible Working? Mothers often find themselves having to juggle multiple responsibilities. While many claim that motherhood should not necessarily clash with career ambitions, work-life balance… read more…
Getting Fit with Your Child
Fitness Gone Viral Mother-Child and Ladies’ Day Out Workouts Fitness trends come and go; from the booty barre to mash-ups like ‘yogalates’, ‘Piloxing’, and female-oriented body shakers like burlesque and… read more…
Can You Get Pregnant by Losing Weight?
A Little Weight Loss Goes a Long Way Can Losing Only 5% Help You Get Pregnant? Getting pregnant is becoming more difficult than ever. Despite scientific leaps and advancements in… read more…
Playground Rules: Safety First!
By Justyna Potocki Fun and safety should always go hand in hand when at the playground. Here’s how: 1. Time out! For water that is. Make sure your little one… read more…
Parents Beware! Hidden Hazards
1. Baby Blankets It isn’t safe to keep a baby blanket in the crib with baby or anywhere nearby when baby is sleeping. A blanket can end up covering baby’s… read more…
Cooking with Kids
As the child is more accustomed to seeing his mom slave over the hot stove, he is more likely to gravitate towards the kitchen. Of course, many mums are averse… read more…
Reclaiming the Beauty of Birth
By: Marica Sandholm, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing Practitioner, Fertility Consultant & Theta Healer, Illuminations Wellbeing Center, Dubai Today I’m going to be more personal, because I have something very important… read more…