Mother Baby & Child is gathering experts and speakers together at a free parents’ breakfast event for parents on Friday 31st May, designed to…

  • Help parents understand how their child develops and gets ready to navigate, enjoy and thrive in their early school life
  • Understand the links between nutrition and child development
  • Give parents the opportunity to ask experts about their child development concerns
The breakfast event is free to attend, but places are limited, so please only register if you are able to attend on Friday 31st May, between 9:00am – 11:45am


09:00 am - 09:30 am

Arrive, register & settle in for coffee & breakfast bites

09:30 am - 09:40 am

Welcome address from Kay Marham

09:40 am - 10:10 am

Expert Interview: Development Milestones & Challenges

  • What are the main development milestones that children generally reach by the time they reach age 5? (Speech, Play, Social Skills, Physicality, Confidence)
  • How Can Parents Manage the Various Aspects of Child Development & What are the Common Challenges?
  • Experts Answer Parents’ Questions

10:10 am - 10:35 am

Foundation Stage Education: The Child’s Experience

  • One of Dubai’s leading schools for foundation education talks us through early experience of education through both the child’s eyes, and the school’s approach

10:35 am - 11:00 am

The Role of Play in Early Child Development

  • A fascinating look at toys that promote development through play, as well as helping children to prepare for early years school

11:00 am - 11:20 am

Expert Interview: Links Between Nutrition & Development

  • What Role Does Nutrition Play in a Child’s Development?
  • Setting Your Child Up for Success Through Nutritional Choices
  • Handling Fussy Eaters
  • Experts Answer Parents’ Questions

11:20 am - 11:40 am

Open Floor to Parents’ Questions

11:40 am

Prize Draw & Closing Words from Kay + Goody Bags

Please Note: There may be some changes to the agenda, based on speaker preferences.


  • The breakfast event is free to attend, but places are limited, so early registration is strongly advised in order to secure your place.
  • The Dubai venue will be confirmed by email to those registering.

Please note that we will have photographers and videographers to record the event, so you should register only if you freely give your permission to be included in any photography and video, as we will be using these in our event media coverage.

Register Now

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